
Currently, the laboratory in Chile receives support from: Chile’s ANID through its instrument Fondecyt Regular 2019 . Our research project is titled: SWARMING BACTERIAL POPULATIONS IN SYNTHETIC ECOSYSTEMS ON-A-CHIP (Fondecyt 1191893). Currently, 紀胡安 is also an Associated Researcher at the Milenium Nucleus Physics of Active Matter, a research group funded by the Iniciativa Científica Milenio (ICM), were together with colleagues pursues the research line ECOLOGY ON-A-CHIP.

Previously, Fondecyt Regular 2015 funded our research project titled: SPATIAL BIOLOGY OF MICROBES: LINKING CELL BIOPHYSICS TO ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS (Fondecyt 1150430). At that ime 紀胡安 was a Young Investigator at IEB (Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad) where his participation and some of the lab’s operations are supported by a grant (P05-002 ICM) from the Iniciativa Científica Milenio (ICM).

In the past, when our laboratory was in the Netherlands received support from: The Dutch initiative to innovate micro and nanotechnology (NanoNextNL) and also received support through a pilot project from the Princeton Physical Sciences-Oncology center (PPS-OC) and the NCI from the USA.

In the far past, when our laboratory was in early stages of development in the USA, we received support from: The Airforce Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) through its grant FA 9550-05-01-0365 given to Princeton to participate in the BioSolarH2 initiative.