
Currently I am co-tutoring a two Ph.D students: Miles Wetherington (with Peter Galajda) who joined the Ph.D. program in Ecology at PUC in 2016 and Kevin Simpson (with Fernan Federici) who joined the Ph.D. program in Genetics and Microbiology at PUC in 2016. For previous mentoring of master students and undergrads look at former members.

In the Past I have mentored Ph.D. students who are now Doctors of Philosophy:

Simon Castillo who studied the spatial ecology of cancer ecosystems. Simon joined the Ph.D. program in Ecology at PUC in 2016 and graduated in 2020 and then went to the UK for his postdoctoral training.

Yifan Yang who studied the physiological constrains and evolutionary trade-offs of caloric restriction and aging in E. coli. I was an external adviser for Yifan’s Ph.D at FdV program at CRI. Yifan got his degree in 2015 under the advise of Ariel Lindner and Francois Taddei and his thesis was titled “Physiological constraints and evolutionary trade-offs underlying bacterial aging, caloric restriction and longevity”. [thesis]

Fabai Wu who studied the biophysics of cell proteins networks (MinC, MinD etc) which are responsible of regulating cell shape. We used on-chip structures which confine cell shape to extremely flat morphologies where cell size and morphology exhibits amazing adaptation and can be sculpted to desired cell geometries.

Felix Hol  was my first Ph.D. student.  Felix worked on the ecology and biophysics of cellular assemblages in on-chip ecosystems. Felix thesis “Bacterial Societies: cooperation, colonization & competitions in micro-scale ecosystems” was presented to the TU Delft in July 2014.

Kevin Lhoste was my “French Student”. I was an external adviser for Kevin’s Ph.D at ENS in Paris France, where He obtained his Ph.D. degree in November 2012 under direct supervision of Dr. Yong Chen with his Thesis “Development of PVDF micro and nano structures for cell culture studies”. I was in Kevin’s TAC committee as well as on his doctoral thesis committee. [thesis]


[see academic tree]