The GRC conference on Complex Adaptive Matter: towards a unifying perspective of emergent complexity is coming up now in July 13-18 in Hong Kong, China. Deadline for applications is June 15. We will be leading discussion on a conference section on the origin of complexity and the Ur cell concept. Other sections in the conference include: How can Information control matter? How do we make active matter adaptive? Are bacteria adaptive computers? and What is the emergence of death?
Monthly Archives: March 2014
The complexity of cancer ecosystems
Our book chapter on the complexity of cancer ecosystems will be published in: Frontiers in Ecology, Evolution and Complexity Edited by Mariana Benitez, Octavio Miramontes and Alfonso Valiente.
Congratulations 佩佩!
佩佩 ‘s paper Nanoscale Probing the Kinetics of Oriented Bacterial Cell Growth Using Atomic Force Microscopy has been accepted in Small. 佩佩 and all involved, 谢谢! [see paper]