DIY Biology 2021年

Taller Practico de Bio-ingeniería

hibridizando organismos y maquinas


biotic game

Hibridizando organismos y maquinas (video de la version 2020′ del curso DIY bio el cual fue enfocado en estudiar “biotic games” en modo pandemia)


Curso biología hazlo-tu-mismo @ 艾森大学,2021年



Week 0

2021年 04月 05日 : GENESIS MEETUP for all interested students

Who are we? What bring us to the course? Do I really wanna take/commit-to this course/team? Can we chose a responsible bio-safety officer?


2021年 04月 09日 : TEAM CONSOLIDATION  for all committed students

What can we do together?   To what is it that I/ We commit?  How would we evaluate our progress/work?


Week 1

2021年 04月 0日

The Hardware we need. Robotic DIY microscope, Raspberry Pi computer and camera, and Neoromorphic A.I board.

II.- Software

Week n


The Software we need. Time-lapse microscopy, linux video,  A.I. and open computer vision library

III.- Wetware


 Week n+m


The life forms we are interested in. Swarming intelligence and the biology of Paenibacillus

IV.- Team Work


Team workgroups (weeks n+m+k)


Hardware workgroup task:

Software workgroup task:

Wetware workgroup task:


[Structure of scientific revolutions]
[On machines and living systems ]