Dr. Wu

Congratulations to Fabai who defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Spatial organization in nano-sculptured bacteria, a tale of shape, scale, patterns, and genomes on October  27, 2015


Phys.org published a note about our artice on bacteria invading together an antibiotic landscapes without having develop yet antibiotic resistence. check it out here.


antibiotic landscapes

紀皇 @ Coloquio del Departamento de Fisica

Biophysics of bacteria: linking cells to tissues

Juan (紀皇) will be given the bi-weekly “coloquio del Departamento de Fisica” @ PUC. In the colloquium, we will explore theoretical as well as experimental aspects related to the biophysics of bacteria. This emerging multidisciplinary field of research offers great opportunities for biologists and physicists at PUC to interact and learn from each other. To stimulate such meditation, I will briefly describe past and new research efforts being conducted at the keymer lab (http://lab.keymer.cl). Most of discussion will be around the issue of individual bacterial cell responses (chemotaxis, metabolism, division) and its linkage to metapopulation dynamics (aggregation, competition, cooperation) in spatially-distributed synthetic ecosystems.

Thursday, June 11 at 4:00 pm
Auditorio Prof. J. Krause, Department of Physics, Campus San Juaquin.

Congrats/thanks to the new generations

Felix’s The idiosyncrasy of spatial structure in bacterial competition. and Density-dependent adaptive resistance allows swimming bacteria to colonize an antibiotic gradient. as well as Fabai’s Symmetry and scale orient Min protein patterns in shaped bacterial sculptures. and Multicolor imaging of bacterial cell division with blue, orange and near-infrared fluorescent proteins are all manuscripts in press processing. Congrats to the heroes and thanks to all the supporting context. Bacteria are amazing. niet te doen.

Spatial Biology of Microbes

We were awarded a Fondecyt Regular 2015 grant to study the “spatial biology of microbes: linking cell biophysics to ecosystem dynamics”. This is a three year project and we will be looking for students and postdocs.