Physics Approach on Simplifying Complexity in Biology


Juan will be speaking at HKUST IAS’s workshop on “Physics Approach on Simplifying Complexity in Biology” to be held in Hong Kong December 15-19 . From the program: “Both conventional physics and conventional biology fail to get at the heart of what makes biological systems such a unique state of matter…”. Find an overview of the workshop, the full program and the line up of speakers here.

Synthetic Biology / Biologia Sintetica


Second Chilean Meeting on Synthetic Biology

On September 29th, on campus San Juaquin at the Center for Innovation UC is the second Chilean Meeting on Synthetic Biology which we have co-organized with others at PUC and which has been possible thanks to the support of PUC’s VRI funds. For more info on the line-up of speakers, program, organizers see the flyer.

Segunda Reunion de Biologica Sintetica de Chile

Este 29 the Septiembre en el Campus San Juaquin, en el Centro de Innovación UC es la segunda reunion de Biologia Sintetica en la PUC que junto a otros en la Universidad hemos co-organizado gracias al apoyo del la VRI. Para ver mas info sobre expositores, temas, horarios y organizadores ver el poster.


Juan will be an invited speaker (“Biophysics of cell assemblages in microfluidic-based synthetic ecosystems“) at the:

XXXVII Annual meeting of the Society for Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Fecha: September 30 – October 04 2014
Luchar: Puerto Varas, Chile.

Juan’s talk will be at the workshop “Microfluidics in Quantitative Biology” which we have been co-organized with others at PUC thanks to the financial support of PUC’s VRI.

[meeting scientific program]

PUC Biophysics workshop 2014

Juan will be an invited speaker (“Biophysics of bacteria in nano-structured on-chip ecosystems”) at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s  & Universidad de Valparaíso’s Workshop Biofísica 2014

Fecha: del 24 al 26 de septiembre de 2014
Lugar: Auditorio Ninoslav Bralic, Campus San Joaquín (PUC)
Dirección: Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul
[Pagina web & Programa][Afiche]

Hol et al accepted!

Felix, Thias et al. work “Nutrient-responsive regulation determines biodiversity in a colicin-mediated bacterial community.” on Colicin, RPS, no-RPS and other curiosities has been accepted in BMC Biology. Congrats to all who make it happen!

Dr. Hol

Congratulations to Felix Hol who is now Dr. Hol. His Ph.D. Thesis was titled “Bacterial Societies: cooperation, colonization & competition in micro-scale ecosystems” (TUD 2014). Felix, is now doing a postdoc at the TU Delft.

GRC canceled

Unfortunately the GRC on Complex Adaptive Matter was canceled. We expext news from the organizers to set up a new date for another conference on the subject. Will keep you posted.