Dr. Hol

Congratulations to Felix Hol who is now Dr. Hol. His Ph.D. Thesis was titled “Bacterial Societies: cooperation, colonization & competition in micro-scale ecosystems” (TUD 2014). Felix, is now doing a postdoc at the TU Delft.

GRC canceled

Unfortunately the GRC on Complex Adaptive Matter was canceled. We expext news from the organizers to set up a new date for another conference on the subject. Will keep you posted.

Complex Adaptive Matter

The GRC conference on Complex Adaptive Matter: towards a unifying perspective of emergent complexity is coming up now in July 13-18 in Hong Kong, China. Deadline for applications is June 15. We will be leading discussion on a conference section on the origin of complexity and the Ur cell concept. Other sections in the conference include: How can Information control matter? How do we make active matter adaptive? Are bacteria adaptive computers? and What is the emergence of death?